WRITTEN BY Isabel Roney

Studio apprentice, BOOM BOX POST

For the last six months Isabel has worked as the Boom Box Post studio apprentice. She has done an absolutely stellar job, adapting to any task to which she was assigned. Isabel was kind enough to share some of her experiences and insights on the process for future Boom Box Post apprentices or anyone entering the sound industry for the first time.

When starting your apprenticeship here at Boom Box Post what did you hope to gain from the experience?

I had never worked in a post production studio before, so I was eager to see what it was like. There's a big jump from studying sound at school to working as a professional, so being able to learn about a studio environment was one of my top priorities. I also wanted to improve my design skills and to expand my knowledge of the technology involved. My hope was to learn by shadowing the sound designers and mixers as they worked on their shows.

What were some aspects of the apprenticeship or Boom Box Post in general that surprised you?

I was pleasantly surprised by how accessible everybody was. I had anticipated needing to really fight to sit in on edit sessions and mixes, but everyone at Boom Box was very supportive and genuinely wanted me to learn from them. I was also surprised by how FAST everyone is at editing! Their fingers are always flying across the keyboard. I’ve definitely improved my ProTools speed since starting here, but this crew still leave me in the dust. 

What would you say your biggest accomplishment was while working as the Boom Box Post apprentice?

I’m proud of how my two final projects turned out. The assignment was to incorporate everything I had learned in my lessons to re-design existing animated clips, which sounded daunting at first. With some guidance from the supervisors and editors, I think they turned out pretty great! It was a nice way to mark the improvement I’ve made as a sound designer these last six months.

What were some of your favorite lessons during the apprentice process?

I really liked the Sound Design lesson, where Boom Box Post sound editor Katie Jackson taught me some new plugins that I then used to design for different genres of TV shows. That was my first time using The Waves Doppler and SoundShifter Graphic Pitch Shifter plugins, which I’ll definitely use in future projects. I also really liked the Library Recording lesson I had with Tim. I love recording Foley and voice performances, plus it was always really fun when everyone at Boom Box got together to record walla for specific episodes.

What information or skills do you think will benefit you the most after you leave Boom Box?

I learned so much about post production workflows and what working at a studio is like, which is valuable career experience no matter where I end up next. I feel more confident in my sound design skills, and getting to learn from editors and mixers has trained my ears a lot.

What advice would you give to future apprentices?

Never be afraid to ask questions, and take every opportunity to learn! I took a lot of notes in every lesson, edit session, and client mix that I sat in on. I highly recommend that future apprentices always keep a notebook with them just in case. Apprenticing at Boom Box was such a fun and positive experience that I am really going to miss, so enjoy it and make the most of your time here!

Thank you again Isabel for all of your hard work these last six months! We really appreciate all of the time and dedication you put into your position here at Boom Box and wish you the best in all of your future endeavors. If you are interested in the Boom Box Post Studio Apprenticeship program , you can follow this link for more information and to apply.
