About a year ago we put out a blog post highlighting 5 different Chrome extensions that changed the way I stay organized. You can check out that post here: Staying Organized: 5 Chrome Extensions That Changed My Life!

Since then, I have come across a few more free Chrome extensions that I have incorporated into my day-to-day workflow. These extensions have made a big difference in my productivity and I would love to share them with all of you.

Link to Text Fragment

The first extension I would like to introduce you to is called Link to Text Fragment. As Studio Manager at Boom Box Post, I get asked a lot of tech related questions—many of which I don’t know the answer to off the top of my head. Therefore, I am always searching google and sending my coworkers links to different articles, support pages, and user forums. Before installing Link to Text Fragment, this process involved numerous screenshots and copying/pasting long sections of text over Slack. Now, thanks to Link to Text Fragment, I can select a section of text on a webpage and send a direct link exactly to want I want to reference. Even more helpful, is that when the link is opened, the section I selected will be highlighted!

Picture in Picture

Next up is this Picture in Picture extension, which functions exactly as you expect it to. Since installing the Picture in Picture extension, multitasking has never been easier. I find this extension very helpful whenever I’m following along to any sort of tutorial video. For example: you are trying to navigate google sheets and need a step by step guide on how to sum a column. Simply open up a youtube How To video, click the Picture in Picture extension, and the video pops up in the corner of your screen! This extension is especially useful if you are working on a device with only 1 screen. For this reason, I definitely prefer Picture in Picture for these situations, as having multiple browser windows open at a single time can get pretty cluttered.


The third and final extension I want to touch on is called MarkUp, and it might be my favorite extension on this list. MarkUp is a super easy way to share feedback, notes, and ideas with your coworkers on different web-based documents. For example, if I submit a blog post that needs to be reviewed, the person reviewing it can give me notes through MarkUp. All they need to do is create a new “MarkUp” through the extension and then they have full range to comment on anything they feel needs to be addressed. This is done on MarkUp by simply clicking and dropping a pin in the exact location one wants to annotate. Because of this feature, MarkUp is a game changer when it comes to collaborating. Now, there is no longer an excuse to give/receive “general” notes. With MarkUp, giving feedback becomes precise and intentional, as one can drop a pin and comment anywhere on their browser window. Better yet, MarkUp allows you to create different workspaces with different users, so sharing your feedback has never been easier!

What is your favorite hidden gem Chrome extension? Leave us a comment letting us know!
